Saturday 28 November 2009

I have returned

I can get back in !. Watch this space for more exciting blogs!


Tuesday 29 September 2009


Last Thursday I was driving to the magic circle and listening to an arts show on radio 4. They were interviewing someone who repeated a quote 'it's never too late to be what you might have been' I didn't think much of it at the time.

Whenever I can I go to a network coffee morning on a Friday in the local shopping centre. I sat next to Mark from 'Bright Futures' who handed me his card and on it was 'It's never too late to be what you might have been'

Yes another odd coincidence WOW!!!!

(ok maybe I don't get out that much)

Wednesday 23 September 2009

Three at a time

Well here we go again. A lot of coincidences seem to be happening in my life. When I practice I like to go to a coffee shop and go over the effect as I have coffee. My favourite shop is one in the Waterstones Book Shop in Livingstone shopping centre. Last Monday I headed off there. As I was walking through the centre I bumped into Bill a friend of mine who is also a magician, I chatted with him and then went off to practice. I've just started when I get a phone call. It was from Scot another magician I know who was in the center and had just met Bill. Scot came and joined me. We were just chatting when Garry (another magician) came up and said hello.

How spooky is that three magicians in the shopping center all at the same time!!!! WOW!!!

Saturday 19 September 2009

Another spooky thing

Hello, well I thought it was time for another blog and something happened the other day that I thought would make quite an interesting one.

I was walking along the street when I was stopped by someone trying to get me to sign up for shelter I said that I could not stop as people were waiting for me (which was true). The man said couldn't I say I was getting some milk on the way in and use this to make time and talk to him. Now the really spooky thing is that a few seconds before this I had been phoned and asked to bring in milk!!!!

WOW bet that's made you think. There are more things in heaven and hell etc etc

Saturday 12 September 2009

Thank you Mr Brown

Once upon a time in the golden age of magicians (when people were actually interested in it). Magicians tried to get people to believe it was done with the aid of demons or it was real magic. People now a days are far to clever to believe in magic or demons (well most people). So for ages magic needed a new reason to make it interesting and stop people feeling they were just being fooled. Then along comes that nice man Derren Brown and he says its all done with 'psychology' 'suggestion' and/or 'hypnotism'. People had heard of these things and so they believed the nice man and once again magic tricks became interesting.

Thank you Mr Brown.

Monday 7 September 2009

Of all the books in all the world

It was my birthday a few days ago and I went throught to Glasgow to have lunch with my daughters. Of course when I was there I went into Tam Shepards to get a copy of The Complete Walton. I was told the first volume was now out of print and the last copy sold about ten days ago. So I brought a copy of volume two (and a copy of the essentail Dia Vernon, not cheap, but a nice book!!)

After this I went to the art shop just up the road where I bumped into a friend and fellow magician David Benedict, we were in the art shop chatting about magic and I noticed one of the staff watching us. He started chatting and said his brother was intretsed in magic and had started to do magic shows around Glasgow. His brother had a number of books on magic. He had just brought the first volume of the Complete Walton, about ten days ago....! This mans brother had brought the last copy of the book I wanted. Of all the books in all the world his brother had to buy my book.

Sunday 30 August 2009

Face at the fringe

Met a lot of good interesting people while I was performing at the fringe. Among them was a barber shop quartet. I handed out cards to them (I hand them out to everyone). To my delight a couple of them have added me on face book so I will be able to keep in touch.

Theses little things cheer me up and if you look there appears to be a lot of them out there.

Friday 28 August 2009

Practice and camper vans

Well thats it, the festival is not yet over, but I will not be performing again so its over for me. I've realy enjoyed it. Not made lots of money or had the biggest audence but learned a lot about performing and props. I am going to try and find some more festivals I can perform at. I have this idea that one day I will get a camper van and drive around festivals making money by performing, maybe one day.

Now that the fringe as finished I have time to read magic books and practice, which I am looking forward to. There something comfortable and safe about it (no risk from an audence!!)

Well thats all for the time being. But I will be back , watch (read?) this space.

Live high. Live mighty. Know your name!!


Tuesday 25 August 2009

Hello Joseph

The other day at the fringe I was stopped by a couple who wanted me to say hello to their son Joseph so they could video it and Joseph could watch it later (he was at home). They e-mailed me tonight and said it had been posted on utube can you spot me ? ttp://

(sorry no prizes if you do)

Not a lot to say

Its a lovely sparkling blue day and I am looking forward to it. I have a kids party this afternoon as I mentioned on my twitter (paulmagician) which is good and I hope to get some more work done on my performing box.

Not much to say today. Off to get another cup of cofffee and a tap washer!

Have an nice one.


Saturday 22 August 2009

Hiding in the doorway

Busking at the fringe again yesterday. It went ok, feel that I am getting more of a feel for it, still not getting much of a crowd mind you or making much money, but its a real learning exsperence. Just after my spot WOW did it rain not for long but very very heavy. I hid in a doorway holding a huge baloon model of elmo ( I had rescued it for a friend of mind, who was baloon modeling). Met some nice people in the door way and a dog!

Im going now as I have to find somthing to make a cover for my box, it got rather soggy yesterday.

Hope you have a happy day!


Wednesday 19 August 2009

Found log on

Sorting through some papers and found the log on for my blog. So thought I would write one!. Off to the Edinburgh fringe later to do my cups and balls routine in the high street, if it's not too windy. If it is Lois can do her escape act instead.

Just got myself a new phone (Blackberry) so I am now tweeting. If you would like to see my tweets my twitter name is paulmagician.

Will blogg again shortly



Tuesday 19 May 2009

I could'nt possably

Magic clubs always have great magicians who for some strange reason never seem to be able to perform at any public event etc. But they always have a really good reason for not doing it, such as-

My Hands

The Fee is not enough

I would need a private parking space

I see myself as a man management person

I'm busy

I've won so many awards in the past

I've been out to often already this week

Give others a chance

Although they can not personally perform to make up for this these helpful chaps are always willing to share there considerable brilliance with the performers and let them know how they can improve there act and do things better.

Tuesday 5 May 2009


I surpose it goes without saying I adore magic and performing. I doubt there is anything better in life than the pleasure I get when I connect with someone through the magic I perform and they show their amazement. But of course everything has its down side and for me this is card tricks. So help me if I have to see one more long boaring card trick at a circle meeting I shall take up religon!
But, I am a little torn here as the punters realy seem to like them and they are very conveneant when you are working with out a table. So I have been working on a few new ones to add to what I Do you know some (not many mind you!!) arn''t completely boaring. Surprise surprise!!

Thursday 30 April 2009

Misrible old magician (sorry)

I was just looking at my old blogs. Sorry about the negative titles. its no wounder I don't have any followers! (or maybe its just because the blogs are rubbish) Anyway I will try and make the blogs happier and more positive from now on (maybe).

Well the wedding fair went quite well, I got some links for my web site, made some contacts and may have got myself a Christmas gig. Which is all good!. See I can be positive when the mood takes me.

Sunday 26 April 2009

Life is hard

Well here I am. It's Sunday morning and I got up at 7.30am to go to a wedding fair and try to get some more work. To be honest I didn't have to get up that early but I could not remember what time it started. I've just phoned and checked it doesn't start until 12pm!!. So I could have been in bed longer. It's only just down the road. Never mind I feel sure I will get work from it and it pays to meet people. I might get some link exchanges for my web site which will be good. I've just changed my web site about to try and get it further up the rating. I live in hopes!!!.

Wednesday 22 April 2009

Bad times indeed

Things must be bad! A working magician I know has just had to get himself a real job!!!

Monday 20 April 2009

Bring and buy

Well here it is my second blog!. I went to the Edinburgh Magic Circles bring and buy sale this evening.

The Edinburgh circle meets in a club in central Edinburgh near Princess Street. I've just been put on the committee which I must admit I am pleased about. Most people think magic circles are full of professional magicians doing deep cleaver things but that's not the reality of it. They tend to be full of middle aged men doing card tricks and talking about the good old days and great magicians of the past and they all wear brown and sports jackets.

I took a load of rubbish to the sale, but I did manage to sell a copy of my manuscript on cold reading which I was pleased with and brought some DVDs and books. I've decided to not look at any new stuff until I have gone carefully through what I already have. I only try to buy things that will fit into my act and nothing made from plastic or too 'proppy' looking if you know what I mean. On the whole I am quite good at this (OK some times I slip up!)

Sunday 19 April 2009

My first blog!

OK so I know everyone has there first blog, but I don't get out much so for me this is a momentous occasion!. I will start by telling me a little about my self. I'm 50 years old and a professional magician working in the UK (but will work anywhere really). I live just outside of Edinburgh. I do any sort of magic (including Tarot readings) but I don't really do kids stuff unless threatened with cash and then I have to! (the need to eat being important). I travel all over the place to do magic and have worked for clients like the army and Celtic football club.
I busk in the street during the fringe festival which is great.
I hope that people will be interested in the ups and downs of a working (not yet famous) magician.
Hope you have a happy day and will come back to follow the (almost) interesting adventures of Paul Temple Magician.