Tuesday 19 May 2009

I could'nt possably

Magic clubs always have great magicians who for some strange reason never seem to be able to perform at any public event etc. But they always have a really good reason for not doing it, such as-

My Hands

The Fee is not enough

I would need a private parking space

I see myself as a man management person

I'm busy

I've won so many awards in the past

I've been out to often already this week

Give others a chance

Although they can not personally perform to make up for this these helpful chaps are always willing to share there considerable brilliance with the performers and let them know how they can improve there act and do things better.

Tuesday 5 May 2009


I surpose it goes without saying I adore magic and performing. I doubt there is anything better in life than the pleasure I get when I connect with someone through the magic I perform and they show their amazement. But of course everything has its down side and for me this is card tricks. So help me if I have to see one more long boaring card trick at a circle meeting I shall take up religon!
But, I am a little torn here as the punters realy seem to like them and they are very conveneant when you are working with out a table. So I have been working on a few new ones to add to what I Do you know some (not many mind you!!) arn''t completely boaring. Surprise surprise!!
