Sunday 30 August 2009

Face at the fringe

Met a lot of good interesting people while I was performing at the fringe. Among them was a barber shop quartet. I handed out cards to them (I hand them out to everyone). To my delight a couple of them have added me on face book so I will be able to keep in touch.

Theses little things cheer me up and if you look there appears to be a lot of them out there.

Friday 28 August 2009

Practice and camper vans

Well thats it, the festival is not yet over, but I will not be performing again so its over for me. I've realy enjoyed it. Not made lots of money or had the biggest audence but learned a lot about performing and props. I am going to try and find some more festivals I can perform at. I have this idea that one day I will get a camper van and drive around festivals making money by performing, maybe one day.

Now that the fringe as finished I have time to read magic books and practice, which I am looking forward to. There something comfortable and safe about it (no risk from an audence!!)

Well thats all for the time being. But I will be back , watch (read?) this space.

Live high. Live mighty. Know your name!!


Tuesday 25 August 2009

Hello Joseph

The other day at the fringe I was stopped by a couple who wanted me to say hello to their son Joseph so they could video it and Joseph could watch it later (he was at home). They e-mailed me tonight and said it had been posted on utube can you spot me ? ttp://

(sorry no prizes if you do)

Not a lot to say

Its a lovely sparkling blue day and I am looking forward to it. I have a kids party this afternoon as I mentioned on my twitter (paulmagician) which is good and I hope to get some more work done on my performing box.

Not much to say today. Off to get another cup of cofffee and a tap washer!

Have an nice one.


Saturday 22 August 2009

Hiding in the doorway

Busking at the fringe again yesterday. It went ok, feel that I am getting more of a feel for it, still not getting much of a crowd mind you or making much money, but its a real learning exsperence. Just after my spot WOW did it rain not for long but very very heavy. I hid in a doorway holding a huge baloon model of elmo ( I had rescued it for a friend of mind, who was baloon modeling). Met some nice people in the door way and a dog!

Im going now as I have to find somthing to make a cover for my box, it got rather soggy yesterday.

Hope you have a happy day!


Wednesday 19 August 2009

Found log on

Sorting through some papers and found the log on for my blog. So thought I would write one!. Off to the Edinburgh fringe later to do my cups and balls routine in the high street, if it's not too windy. If it is Lois can do her escape act instead.

Just got myself a new phone (Blackberry) so I am now tweeting. If you would like to see my tweets my twitter name is paulmagician.

Will blogg again shortly

